Copper Mine – Visa and Work Permit Management

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Copper Mine – Visa and Work Permit Management

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Large copper mining complex



Scope of work

Digital Transformation

Challenges Experienced

The client owns a large and complex operation consisting of four underground mines, surface dump and tailings material, processing facilities and related infrastructure covering the full-value chain of copper production.

A vast majority of the Mine’s management resources is composed of “Expats” sourced from all over the world. Not being Congolese citizens presents the mine with a host of challenges in the form of documentation and administration that is required in order to have the “Expat” workforce legally work within the Congo on the mine.

With over 370 “Expat” records to manage across Work Permits, Work Visa, Travel Visa and In-Out Visa processes and documents, it became increasingly difficult to keep track of who is in what stage of the “Visa process”, what documents have or have not been received, which visa/permit expires when and keeping track of submissions. The process is further exaggerated by not having full visibility once the documentation has been handed over to the DGM for processing.

Approach to the Solution

Fraser McGill was engaged to review how the “Visa process” which was being managed via excel spreadsheet could be digitized. The digital team reviewed the problem statement and identified the following activities to deliver a digital solution for the client:

  • Designing proposed digital solution
  • Engaging in “Demo” sessions with the stakeholders to ensure the application is fit for purpose
  • Decision-making support and a roadmap for implementation
  • Managing the product engineer development schedule and progress
  • Project management
  • Digital Software Application launch to impacted stakeholders (370 Expats)
  • Creation of training material
  • The digital solution considered the entire “Visa management process” to ensure complete control of the process .

Outcome Experienced

The Client launched a digital software application that is being used by all “Expat” staff to upload and manage their profiles.

Further to the “Expat” profile management option, the Mine Visa Management team was given administrator rights on the platform allowing them to fully manage all aspects related to the 370 “Expat” records - Work Permits, Work Visa, Travel Visa and In-Out Visa processes and documents. This includes the ability to keep track of who is in what stage of the “Visa process”, what documents have or have not been received, which visa/permits expires when and keeping track of submissions.

Case Study Visa